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A really good game, didn't regret buying it. But I have a question. How do you get a dildo in the game? On the game page you can see pictures of it, but I can't buy one. In the sex store there is only anal gel and pills. 

Thank you!
To buy a dildo, Lisa's Pussy Play skill has to be >= 5% or her Anal Play skill has to be >= 25%. You can find all the requirements for all toys in the game Walkthrough at page 53.

I played the demo and I loved it, even though the end of it had a bunch of errors that when ignored eventually just kicked me to the main menu.

I was wondering if I buy the game as is (current version 0.25b) will I get access to future updates?

Thank you!

Yes, you will have access to all future updates.

Did you download the last free version 0.0.9I ? What errors do you have have at the end?

(1 edit)

I was playing on the 0.0.9 version, I just finished playing the new demo, there wasn't a single error this time, thank you <3

I did encounter one inconsistency, I decided to ignore the guy outside the restaurant and later the demo talked about how I had accepted the job to wash cars, this is in the new version :)

*sneaks off to buy the game*

one question is the demo full previous version or just a part of version if full previous version dont put it in demo just put it in main download just for free

Thank you!

No, demo is quite an old version in terms of content. The last day in free version is Day 6 (excluding the last lesbian scene.) The last day in the full version is Day 19.

I just added to a free version some of new features like a hint system.

(2 edits)

Is it just the demo that's screwed up, or will I get constant error screens with the full version as well?

It was tolerable, for a while.  I just hit ignore and move on, then they became more frequent until it was just one after another making the game unplayable.

Also, the stats button just put up and error screen.  Completely unusable.

Nobody has complained about this problem. May I ask you what error do you see exactly?

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I spotted the error after opening a stat button. 

Currently, I'm uploading fixed free version.

This error is absent in the full version

UPDATE: already uploaded. Please, check if you have any new errors.

Free version was not tested thoroughly.

(1 edit)

I am re-downloading the demo, now.  I will play again, and if I get error screens, then I will screenshot them and send the pictures via Discord, unless you prefer another method.

Thank you, I really appreciate that!

I don't see it on Steam store, when is it coming?


Never. They banned my game without any chance to appeal.

(1 edit) (+2)

What a shame...

Bought it here :)

Is the compressed version in the works as well ? Waiting for it since the new version was announced.

Yes, I’m finishing 0.2.5b, the compressed version is going to be as well 


Everything going well, the installation, the instruction of the game to put the rpa file into the specific folder.. The only problem is, I don't know where the rpa file in question is 🙇🏻‍♂️ If someone could help me, or tell me where to download the week1+2.rpa file, it would be nice

I think you can get it from the “Compressed PC Version” link its a seprate file in that mega drive folder. It would be nice if this was a seprate link or if the instructions were clearer tho.


Fixed. Now, the links contains both files and the Instructions.

I was on vacation and added the Android version at the very last moment. 

Please help me I download the game today {android} it's asking me to move the rpa file can you tell me where it is? Please respond 

week1+2.rpa - it's located in the same folder where you downloaded apk.  If you still can't find it, give me your email. I'll email your the direct link.

Noticing an issue when trying to buy, I click it and I can't confirm it, it just tells me what contents I get, no other button to click confirm on payment. I don't know if itchio is having a problem or an error on your side. Just thought I should share this.

I don't have PayPal, so I am trying to use my card, but I can't and the PayPal link has it where you have to make an account.

Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry, but I don't have any access to the payment process. Did you try to reach support?

Hello! I am tremmi and I would like to have a shout out post on itch and patreon with you :) What do you think about it? 

Hi. There is a small error in the German translation. The word "Bad" was translated into "schlecht". Because Bad normally means bad. But ingame is Bath meant, so for example bathtub.  Normally Bad would be correct in German, but somehow the word Bad was translated again in "schlecht". maybe you could change it.

Thank you. Could you give me the whole phrase so I could find it?

Is every day when she wants to go to the bathroom. So whenever the word comes up, "Schlecht" is there.

Here is an example sentence from the game in German "Eileen: Jetzt werde ich ein Schlecht nehmen und mich entspannen". 

"Schlecht" = in German "Bad" for the Worth "Bath".


Struggling on how to install this game onto android dont know how to get the rpa folder into the apk app any help is apprecaited


1st you should install the apk file;
start the game,press quit;
then put rpa file into internal/Documents/willis747/beauty.andthe.thug/game <----put the rpa inside the "game"folder;
start the game again, everything should work.

Finally found it had the right idea from what you told me i was just in wrong location thanks for your help. And awesome game so far. Soon as i finish i will be sure to rate. Honestly so far 5/5.


This is amazing. The artwork is great and the ability to customize the kinks is incredible. Hope to see some sub/dom content in the future.

On android its not working. What file am i supposed to move the 2 rpa files to?

(1 edit)

Launch the game from apk archive. You will get instructions where to put rpa files

What is apk archive? I launched the game but i still dont understand. Been trying for hours.

Please provide more detailed instructions. I really want to play this game


I figured it out thank u!

Great! Enjoy the game!

Could you share your experience - what the problem you had and how you solved it? It may be useful for other Android players. Thank you!

How did you do this? Please help i tried to google it and everything.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+2)

I am in love with this game. The Dev knows well what he's doing.
The hairy and non hairy are both perfect.
The fetishes he does are amazing, very good renders, you can see the passion he have with it.
History is kinda simple like some said already, but man, with those renders you even forget to read haha

I can't wait to see more of this.

Just played the demo to check it out. It plays really well. I did notice that at times the dialog boxes cover up portions of the image. I didn't see a way to drop it. Did I miss it? Or is it not there. You've gone to some great measures to create the images, be nice to be able to see the whole thing. Looking forward to purchasing the game soon and seeing where you end up. How many day's are you planning? Thank you


Thank you!

Press H to show/hide dialog box. You can do this it any RenPy game.

The game lasts 10 weeks.

Thank you. Did miss that. 

I just downloaded the 1.5 version, but when I try to load a save from 1.2, it instantly skips from day 10 to day 13 (sandbox)

Is there any known fix for this?

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When I started the game via Steam Proton this evening, Steam first reported that the game was being updated - even though I added it as a non-Steam game - and after that, the game had the decreasing-stats bug again.

It didn't have the cheat slide bars yet after the update.

Yes, I'm still working on update. I will create a dev log when the game is updated

(11 edits)

The game (build 0.1.2a FULL) doesn't store the cheat settings; whenever I reload the program, I need to enter them all again. It pretty much undoes the purpose of that menu, and makes the game unneccessarilly tame. I set the exhibition trait to max (47%), but a bit later it was back at 7%, while nothing happened that could've lowered her appetite for being observed. So I'm missing out on a lot of exciting scenes here.

Is there a way to put them in a file and then copy/paste them into the cheatbox, or a config file that I can tweak?

In future versions, you may want to put those things into a menu with clickable '+' and '-' buttons or boxes where we can type numerical values.

And the cheats "ae+" and "pe+", reported on, don't seem to work.


Okay. I killed 1.5 days, but I fixed this bug and create cheat sliders.

Please, check it out

WoW cool! Great job! I expected it to be more of a fuzz, and for it to feature in upcoming versions somewhere in time!

Looks great too :D

You sure have my sincerest gratitude!

Is it available for download already?

I'm finishing the update. It will be available very soon. I'll inform about new update in my dev log.



By the way, I posted something in the comments that you may want to read before you release the next update.

I joined your Patreon now by the way. My username there is Jasmeria.

Thank you for support! I really appreciate it.


Does the game evolve depending on our choices, or is it linear?

Yes, the game and what you see heavily depends on your choices.

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Yup still telling me not working or not enough funds in the account but takes my money and dose not give me the game fucking scam


Again, no one of the game developers can affect the payment process. No one of them can see your credit card info. You pay to administration. Then, takes some interest and pays the rest to a game developer. The process takes about a week. Even if I wanted to make a scam, I would not be able to do that on this platform.


I understand your frustration, but please, don't call me a fucking scammer.

With best regards, zegamez


I paid for the full version twice and it just tell me that my card info was wrong or did jot go through but when i look at my account it went through so is this a scam?


I'm sorry to hear that you have problems downloading my game.

No worries, I can assure you that it is NOT a scam. I have hundreds of customers, and this is the first time I have heard about such a problem.

Unfortunately, I'm not in charge of withdrawing money. You pay, and then takes some interest and pays the rest to me. Please, contact them at

I'm sure they'll solve this problem.


The archive with full version on MEGA was corrupted. I've already reupload it.


If purchased, will I get access to future updates as well? Or does every update need to be re-purchased?


You'll have access to all future updates. You need to pay only once.

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You can't avoid this date, but you can ruin it.

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Thank you for letting me know. Do you remember the exact phrase by chance so I could fix it?

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Thank you, fixed!


One of the Best VN (Female Protagonist) Games in Development with amazing graphics and amazing character design.

 Sandbox and RPG content likewise. Around 4 hours of gameplay so far. 

I have re-played this about 6 times to discover every scene in the v011c .

Loving the game so far!

I do wonder though, would it be possible to add Watersports as a "proper" fetish? As in, that it has an associated skill with it

The pee-scenes you already have are pretty good, but also pretty vanilla in that they mostly happen in toilets, and I was wondering if she could get kinkier with them! <3

(1 edit)

Thank you!

For developing some fetishes, you have to meet initial requirements. For example, Blowjob requires Handjob of 50%; Bondage requires Blowjob of 10% and Teasing of 17% (see Walkthrough for more details.)

To start Piss Play (Watersport), you need Pussy Eating 50%. It can be gained not earlier than in the next version. So, Watersport as a fetish will appear in two updates.

!!! Aaaa I can't wait! <3

Thank you!

hello first sorry for my english :-) I just want to ask if android version is ok. I understood from comments that android version is not from zegames and i already bought on lust theory and the android apk doesnt work and i dont want to do same mistake again. 

and  future updates Will be also in android version on same day or again someone (Eestrada777 ) do it later? 

thanks for ansver and have a good day.

Sorry, I don't have any android gadget for now to check the android version or port it by myself. I have plans to do something with that, but right now I can't promise anything. It was Eestrada777's idea to port my game, I didn't ask him.

Has someone already tested the android version?


Pleasantly surprised with this game. Really good. Can't wait for next update

do you have any plans on moving this to Android?

I've added android version v.0.0.9b. Eestrada777 ported my game for me.

You can support him here:

Can you make the demo downloadable through app? 


No, the game size is too large.

(2 edits)

This looks quite interesting! I'm downloading the demo now to test it, but I have a question:

Is there any watersports (piss/urine play) content in this?
EDIT: Nevermind, I found it! I love it <3<3  And more than I've found in most other games so far, so I'm heavily considering paying for the full version now...

Also feedback; Thank you for having a demo version! It's great to be able to testplay a little!

EDIT2: Okay, I gotta say this game has positively surprised me a lot
So far (I'm only on day 3), this game has had more watersports content than pretty much any other game I've played, and far higher quality than the vast majority of them (only one other comes to mind of comparable quality)

Absolutely excellent game so far!

I just finished the v.0.08; the story is promising and the game intriguing, but I have some questions:

1. the knowledges values (i.e. FX, AP,...) are not shown everywhere, right?  So how can I known what to do or expect, according to the walkthrough?

2. Up to day 5 completed there is very few (almost nothing)  sex scenes and no way to increase the ability (a part of cooking and a 50% on hj.  Does it mean that everything is happening later, from day 6?

By the way, I just bougth version 0.09.
I hope that if there will be further upgrades, as I wish, it will be not required to buy them again.

1. You can check the values in Stats menu -> Skills. These skills affect a lot of scenes. Sometimes it's just a few renders, sometimes it's quite big subscenes. It's impossible to describe everything in the Walkthrough.

2. Yes, it's an early stage of the game. First real sex scenes (not imagination, not masturbation) happen on Day 6 (June 6.) The game lasts till mid August.

3. Yes, you pay only once. I'll increase the price later, but you will have access for all updates for free.

I startet rev 0.09 and I found a possible problem/bug.
After a few scenes with Hunter (where I answered: 'Tell him to give it back') I went into the walktrough to see if I can skip this story (I'm into a lesbian path, if exists) to discover that the correct aswer should have been 'Take it'.  Reloaded a saved game (start of day 6) that option about the cell does not appear anymore so I'm forced to proceed with this path. Is it a my problem  or a bug?

This upgrade is quite short (one day only); I hope the future ones will be longer and those will have more watersport scenes of intercourse between Clara and some other girls.

Said that, I will subscribe as supporter on Patreon.

Thank you!

Pretty strange bug. Can you give me your save file?

Here it is. Hope to have picked the correct one; it is at day 6 morning. I added the persistent too. if it helps.
EDIT: how can I include the zip file? There is not any icon for that; pls let me know

Actually, I don't know either :)

Email it to me, please. My email is ip8798096 plus at

it’s alright.  It is fun, tickles a certain part of the brain.  Story is silly, mostly childish.  Scene focus is nearly always from a lewd vantage point, so you get your jollies but not much in the way of intelligent entertainment.  

I'd have to agree with mostly what you said. I found the story and characters rather amusing. It's definitely not a serious story, if that's what any of you are looking for. Plenty of eye candy, for sure.

agreed.  A Willy Wonka  eye candy extravaganza.  I guess I thought it would be a bit more serious—my bad!

What makes a story intelligent? I'd say hard decisions, moral dilemmas, when things are not how they look at first glance, etc.

Hey, it's v.0.0.9! MC had the only date with Hunter! How can you say that the story is silly?


I don't think the story is silly. Fun is a better word. And those that don't get it, can play something else. The game is awesome! Please keep it going.


This game is worthy of attention. The creator has put a level of detail in this game that is off the charts. I'm enjoying the story and the characters. I also know there is a bunch of content I missed, so definitely make different choices to see all that this game has to offer. This game is very original in its elements and with it being new has a lot of potential to get even better. I hope you all find it as pleasing as I do. Enjoy!

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